Expert Financial Audits

Welcome to our Page. The Auditing Company MK - Marta Krawiec from Poland. We provide comprehensive financial services in the field of auditing statement and other financial services.

The main activities of the company include auditing and review of companies financial statements, as well as outsourcing bookkeeping services and assistance in providing recurring Financial Reports.

We invite you to collaborate with us.

Professional Financial Audits

The Auditing Company MK – Marta Krawiec Poland, provides comprehensive financial services in the field of auditing statement and other financial services.

The main activities of the company include auditing and review of companies financial statements, as well as outsourcing bookkeeping services and assistance in providing recurring Financial Reports.

We invite you to collaborate with us.

Kancelaria Audytorska Marta Krawiec MK | Audyty | Badanie i przeglądy sprawozdań finansowych | Porady Online | Szczecin

Marta Krawiec - Certified Auditor

As a Certified Auditor, I am registered with the National Chamber of Certified Auditors under the number 13200. I am a graduate of the Zachodniopomorska School of Business in Szczecin. My experience in accounting was acquired while working at Audit-Expert accounting office. To further deepen my knowledge and practical skills in financial auditing, I collaborated with a reputable audit firm here in Szczecin. My expertise lies in conducting financial audits and reviewing of financial statements for companies, adhering to both Polish and international standards. Leveraging the support of cutting-edge technologies, I deliver high-quality audits, strengthening trust in the market.

Marta Krawiec - President and Certified Auditor

As a Certified Auditor, I am registered with the National Chamber of Certified Auditors under the number 13200. 

I am a graduate of the Zachodniopomorska School of Business in Szczecin. My experience in accounting was acquired while working at Audit-Expert accounting office. To further deepen my knowledge and practical skills in financial auditing, I collaborated with a reputable audit firm here in Szczecin.

My expertise lies in conducting financial audits and reviewing of financial statements for companies, adhering to both Polish and international standards. Leveraging the support of cutting-edge technologies, I deliver high-quality audits, strengthening trust in the market.

Kancelaria Audytorska Marta Krawiec MK | Audyty | Badanie i przeglądy sprawozdań finansowych | Porady Online | Szczecin
Kancelaria Audytorska Marta Krawiec MK | Audyty | Badanie i przeglądy sprawozdań finansowych | Porady Online | Szczecin


I am a Certified Auditor committed to delivering high-quality financial audits and enhancing trust in the market.

Auditing Firm MK – Marta Krawiec Ltd. (sp. z o.o.) ensures thorough conduct of audits and active collaboration with management from the initial to the final stage of financial statement examination. We place great emphasis on providing ongoing updates on the progress of work, identifying irregularities or errors encountered, and proposing appropriate solutions.

We offer the highest quality audits and reviews of financial statements prepared in accordance with Polish Accounting Standards (UoR) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS/IAS). Our ability to strengthen market confidence and provide clients with high-quality audits sets us apart.

Kancelaria Audytorska Marta Krawiec MK | Audyty | Badanie i przeglądy sprawozdań finansowych | Porady Online | Szczecin


I am a Certified Auditor committed to delivering high-quality financial audits and enhancing trust in the market.

Auditing Company MK Marta Krawiec from Poland (sp. z o.o.) will ensure thorough conduct of audits and active collaboration with management from the initial to the final stage of financial statement examination. We place great emphasis on providing ongoing updates on the progress of work, identifying irregularities or errors encountered, and proposing appropriate solutions.

We offer the highest quality audits and reviews of financial statements prepared in accordance with Polish Accounting Standards (UoR) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS/IAS). Our ability to strengthen market confidence and provide clients with high-quality audits sets us apart.

Conducting audits of financial statements.

Auditing financial statements prepared in accordance with Polish Accounting Standards (UoR) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS/IAS).

Reviews of Financial Statements

Verification of financial statements and ensuring compliance with accounting principles and policies.

Examination of Transformation, Merger, and Division Plans

Expert examination by a court-appointed expert regarding the correctness and reliability of documents submitted to the district court.

Other Assurance Services

Conducting expert analyses and issuing opinions.

Outsourcing of Bookkeeping Services

Managing assets and liabilities, as well as determining financial results.

Preparation of Financial Statements

Creating balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and additional information, providing an introduction to the financial report.

Organization of Accounting and Finance Departments

Assistance in organizing and functioning of the financial and accounting department.

Our Services

We conduct research and reviews of financial reports in accordance with the highest standards.

Conducting audits of financial statements.

Auditing financial statements prepared in accordance with Polish Accounting Standards (UoR) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS/IAS).

Reviews of Financial Statements

Verification of financial statements and ensuring compliance with accounting principles and policies.

Examination of Transformation, Merger, and Division Plans

Expert examination by a court-appointed expert regarding the correctness and reliability of documents submitted to the district court.

Other Assurance Services

Conducting expert analyses and issuing opinions.

Outsourcing of Bookkeeping Services

Managing assets and liabilities, as well as determining financial results.

Preparation of Financial Statements

Creating balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and additional information, providing an introduction to the financial report.

Organization of Accounting and Finance Departments

Assistance in organizing and functioning of the financial and accounting department.

Kancelaria Audytorska Marta Krawiec MK | Audyty | Badanie i przeglądy sprawozdań finansowych | Porady Online | Szczecin

Auditing Services - Online Consultation

Auditing Company MK from Poland provides Online Services. Meetings take place using the Zoom platform, online.

During a 30-minute online Consultation session, we answer any questions you may have regarding financial audits and discuss the steps for further collaboration.

Feel free to use the following form to schedule a convenient meeting time with our team.

marta krawiec kancelaria audytorska blog kalkulator

Na czym polega audyt finansowy - wyjaśniamy.

Audyt finansowy to ocena, czy sprawozdania finansowe firmy są dokładne i uporządkowane. Głównym celem audytu jest pomoc w podjęciu bardziej trafnych decyzji inwestycyjnych i operacyjnych. Audyty oceniają procesy biznesowe oraz zgodność z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa, standardami i regulacjami.

marta krawiec kancelaria audytorska blog profits

Dlaczego warto przeprowadzić audyt finansowy w firmie?

Wielu ekspertów zgadza się, że przeprowadzenie audytu finansowego w firmie to sposób na sprawdzenie, jak działa proces biznesowy. Pozwala to zidentyfikować redukcje kosztów i nowe możliwości zwiększenia zysków firmy.

marta krawiec kancelaria audytorska blog schody

Jak wygląda proces audytu finansowego

Proces audytu finansowego należy do najbardziej dogłębnych i szczegółowych procesów, którym podlega każda instytucja finansowa lub monetarna. Celem audytu finansowego jest przegląd i raportowanie rachunków, zapisów i procedur związanych z działalnością finansową organizacji lub osoby. Ten artykuł wprowadzi Cię w podstawy audytu, wyjaśniając, jak wygląda jego proces.

Kancelaria Audytorska Marta Krawiec MK | Audyty | Badanie i przeglądy sprawozdań finansowych | Porady Online | Szczecin

“Ich lade Unternehmen mit Niederlassungen in Polen ein, mit uns zusammenzuarbeiten. Unser Unternehmen bietet sowohl Buchhaltungs- als auch Finanzprüfungen an.”

“Our company offers both accounting and financial audits. We would be happy to work with international companies. Please contact us for more information.

Kancelaria Audytorska Marta Krawiec MK | Audyty | Badanie i przeglądy sprawozdań finansowych | Porady Onlone | Szczecin


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Monday – Friday

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

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